Improve email delivery


HTML Source Code

Remember, that technically incorrect emails are often identified as spam. HTML source code is another important moment. Never use applications that create awful HTML code. If your message has too complicated structure, or contains empty or invalid tags, email servers may regard such emails as spam. Try not to overload your message with illegible fonts, bright backgrounds, or other elements that will distract the readers’ attention.


Make the layout of your email as simple as possible. Keep in mind that your newsletters should be informative. The information you share has more value than the outlook of your message. The outlook should be simple and function. So, try to avoid complex formatting.


You will considerably increase the deliverability, if about 80% of your message is text.  Try to substitute picture buttons with HTML. Don’t include large images. The same goes about active components such as JavaScript and ActiveX. The less graphic you employ the better will be the results.

Message Personalization

It’s a good tone to personalize your messages. Avoid generic salutation such as “Dear User” or “Dear Customer”. With Bulk Mailer email personalization becomes an automated process. With Bulk Mailer email personalization becomes an automated process which allows sending unique messages to every recipient. If your mailing list contains various data, such as first name, last name, company name, tile, country, etc, you can add all these fields into your message.

Subject line

Never mislead your recipients by writing deceptive subject lines. The subject line should reflect the content of the message. It’s a bad idea to include a note that your message is not spam.

Message content

It is advisable to use normal conversational language. There’s no need to use redundant spacing, capitalization, or uncommon spelling or characters.

HTML vs Plain text

There’s no need to give preference either to messages created in HTML-editors or plain text. Instead, it is advisable to include a plain text version in addition to your HTML email. Plain text version is necessary mainly for anti-spam filters rather than for your recipients. It will give you a guarantee that your messages won’t be regarded as spam. Bulk Mailer creates plain text version by default, no matter whether you’ve created the message in Bulk Mailer’s editor or imported the template from the file.

Sending Process

Disable Scanning of Outgoing Emails

To improve Bulk Mailer’s performance the first thing to do is to disable checking outgoing emails for viruses. In fact, you should scan the message for viruses only once. If you scan every outgoing message, it will not only slow down the process, but also prevent the majority of your messages from being delivered.

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